Thursday 19 July 2012

Dancing Water

What a great analogy Water makes. When it moves it is healthy. When it doesn't it goes stagnant.
Water is always changing, to quit changing/ evolving is to go stagnant and/or die. I have come to realize that change is the only constant in the universe. Strange then why humans should find change so hard?


  1. It's a hard question to answer, I suppose fear is maybe the one thing holding us back but I suppose if you can overcome whatever it is holding you back then like your analogy you never know what twists and turns are up ahead. I think you just have to try and enjoy whatever life throws at you and cherish the good moments as when we die life will go on without us.

  2. 'Don't settle down and stay in one place. Move around, be nomadic, make each day a new horizon' - Chris McCandless

    You really should read a letter he wrote to a friend of his called Ron, it's one of the best things I've ever read.
